The machining of turbine impellers with EDM for industrial compressors
Pump and valve manufacturer trusts in ONA for the machining of turbine impellers with EDM for industrial compressors.
Custom EDM solution: Diffuser holes in turbine blades.
Custom EDM solution for a manufacturer in the aerospace and energy sector: Drilling Diffuser holes in turbine blades.
ONA AV35 wire-cut model, EDM solution for turbine disc firtree production
Gas turbine manufacturers trust in ONA AV35 wire-cut model as the perfect EDM solution for turbine disc firtree production.
Custom wire-cut EDM machine with specific needs for cutting gas turbine rings
Custom solution with specific needs to NELIDOV: Flexibility and customisation of a wire-cut EDM machine for cutting gas turbine rings
EDM for the erosion of honeycomb structures in aircraft engines.
HAESL, a joint venture between Rolls-Royce, SIAEC and HAECO, uses ONA EDM machines for the erosion of honeycomb lining structures used in aircraft engine components.
EDM for the manufacture of strip seal slots in NGV segments
ITP trusts on the power of 12 die sinking ONA EDM machines for the erosion of the strip seal slots in the NGV segments of low pressure turbines (LPT)