ONA is also establishing itself in Europe with high-precision micro-hole EDM technology. Learn more about this technolog and his advantages
\ The advantages of micro-hole EDM technology
The benefits of these machines are numerous and important, among them, a high degree of precision of the finishes, a saving of time of mechanized of until 30% and a much more economic maintenance.
\ The American firm
AA EDM Corporation, of which ONA owns 30%, makes the first sales in the continent of microholes equipment to a major Italian manufacturer of automotive injectors.
\ The benefits of these machines are numerous and important: among them, a high degree of precision of the finishes, a saving of time of mechanized of until 30% and a much more economic maintenance.

ONA is the world’s longest-running EDM machine manufacturer. We are leaders in the manufacture of large equipment and experts also in providing special solutions. We have been involved in the development of technologies related to this machining technique for more than 65 years. In addition to the headquarters in Durango (Vizcaya) -11,000 m2 of plant for the manufacture of the equipment and another 1,500 m2 destined entirely to R&D-, we have 5 subsidiaries in Europe, America and Asia, as well as an extensive network of distributors of high qualification to offer an optimum service to the companies.
At ONA we have always been careful with our expansion policy, meditating on each decision and seeking to establish, whenever possible, solid cooperative relationships with other companies in the sector that would allow us to continue growing and improving without adding rigidity to the structure, but just the opposite: flexibility to respond efficiently to different situations. We have never sought to create an extensive network of subsidiaries, but to adapt to each need according to the circumstances.
It was thus, exactly under these parameters, as we acquired 30% of the American company AA EDM Corporation, based in Michigan and specialized in the design and manufacture of EDM machines for the machining of high precision micro-holes. The agreement made it possible for ONA to fully enter microholes EDM technology, applicable in sectors such as energy, aerospace and automotive in which we already had an important presence with penetration and wire EDM equipment.
On your part, AA EDM could use all the know-how of ONA for the manufacture and improvement of its equipment, in addition to our experience and deep knowledge of the European market, its pending subject. The company has focused almost all of its activity in the United States, with important operations also in Russia, China, India and South Korea.
Europe was its great challenge and thanks to ONA it begins to overcome it: it recently closed an agreement for the sale of EDM equipment for the machining of micro-holes with an important company in Italy, precisely one of the countries to which ONA sells together with Portugal.
\ AA EDM model with high degree of precision
The Italian company specializes in the manufacture of injectors for the automotive sector, with a range of more than 2,000 different products applicable to different types of engines. It already had other 4-axis micro-hole EDM machines, and has now acquired a first 3-head AA EDM model for a high degree of precision in finishes. The “important” benefits that this team provides with respect to others in the competition facilitated “much” the purchase decision to the Italian managers.
Some of those advantages are:
- AA EDM machines do not use a head or rotating electrodes. This eliminates an important source of errors. The heads can last for decades. There are also no deviation problems. Wide range of hole shapes: conical, semi-conical and irregular.
- The electrode guides of AA EDM machines are designed with the importance of flexibility in mind. We provide 2-piece electrode guides that allow the use of a wide range of diameters.
- Approximate price: € 490.
- More than 500,000 holes per electrode guide.
- Change time: less than 5 minutes.
- 6 different sizes: cover the full range of hole diameters.
- High-end YASKAWA servo motors in X, Y, Z with direct drive on the C axis. We have been producing machines for many years and we have never had to replace an engine with a fault. On the tilt B axis, we use a Harmonic unit with a 50: 1 reduction that provides exceptional accuracy.
- Highly automated equipment. Able to work completely autonomously increasing profitability and productivity. The machines come standard with the Beckhoff CNC control system made in Germany, very simple to use.
- Electrodes 400% cheaper for the same length of rods. Each electrode makes at least 2,400 holes.
- AA EDM generator technology is faster. And to this it is added that the machine does not need its electrodes to be changed so often. The result is a saving of the time spent in machining up to 30%.