Because we knew hole-drilling technology could be done better, faster and smarter we created ONA Halley, the result of our historical know-how in EDM and years of experience in the aerospace industry.
ONA HALLEY is the most compact, efficient and clever EDM hole drilling machine on the market. Everything that turbine blade and vane production has been waiting for. Because the extraordinary does not happen everyday…but it just did.
Automation is revolutionising the manufacturing industry by incorporating advanced technologies such as artificial intelligence, robotics and data analytics.
Maximum number of hours without stops. From integrating a “standard” robot for one or two machines to developing multi-machine and multi-process manufacturing cells.
“We chose ONA because of its high-quality equipment, its excellent services, and the good supplier/customer relationship it offers. We always recommend ONA“ SIMOLDES GROUP (PT)
“We chose ONA because they are leaders in large machines, AV130 is the largest wire-cut EDM on the market. Moreover, it is so reliable that it works unsupervised every day of the week, and it maintains its high cutting speed.” STICKEL (Germany)
“We have found in ONA a solution provider partner with values similar to ours. Thanks to their technical capacity and knowledge, we can respond to the demands of clients like Safran.” HOURAT (FR)
“Acquiring a double head ONA TQX10 and 2 robot changers with 132 positions will ensure superior working times and quality. An investment designed for our future. This is our tomorrow.” CONCOURS MOLD (USA)