Die-sinking EDM technology is essential for achieving high precision and quality finishes in hard-to-machine materials like hardened steel, carbide, and superalloys. This process is ideal for creating intricate cavities and shapes that would be challenging or impossible with conventional machining methods.


ONA incorporates in its die-sinking EDM the digital generator with the highest power in the market, an ecological filter and the possibility of including a second head to reduce erosion times.


Die-sinking EDM machines manufactured to maximize reliability. All the knowledge of our experts to offer you a compact, economical and quality machine.

· X-axis: 400 a 600 mm / 15.7 a 23.6 in.
· Y-axis: 300 a 400 mm / 11.8 o 15.7 in.
· Z-axis: 300 a 400 mm / 11.8 o 15.7 in.


Unprecedented flexibility. The versatile modular design of our large die-sinking EDM machines allows more than 40 combinations.

· X-axis: 1.000 a 3000 mm / 39.37 a 118.11 in.
· Y-axis: 600 a 1.500 mm / 23.6 a 39.37 in.
· Z-axis: 500 a 1.000 mm / 19.7 a 31.50 in


Erosion time savings of 50% and greater efficiency with up to 200% in productivity. Maximum number of hours without downtime thanks to process automation.

The second head means a reduction of erosion time of up to 50% and an increase in productivity of up to 200%.


We offer integral customised solutions for the manufacture of pieces using EDM technology or a combination of processes.

We work with the client and analyse their needs in order to design customised machines. Each project is unique.

Case studies


ONA HALLEY. Better. Faster. Wiser.

The launch of a new model is a significant event for any company, but in the case of ONA it takes on even greater importance since we are working at the cutting edge of a new technology.